
Welcome to this site dedicated to the IST MODEL Technology, an innovative PATENTED technology designed to guarantee the highest levels of security during communications and transactions over the Internet.

Benvenuti in questo sito dedicato alla Tecnologia IST MODEL, progettata per garantire il più alto livello di sicurezza nelle comunicazioni e transazioni su Internet.
IST MODEL è una tecnologia innovativa brevettata.

IST Model - A short Introduction.pdf

giovedì 16 marzo 2006

Project samples

In this post are collected only a few examples of areas that can have great benefits by using IST Model Technology.

First area of activity for IST Model is an e-commerce solution over the Internet, resulting in an intrinsic security system for payment

Home Banking
The intrinsic security provided by IST Model is strongly required in an Home Banking system as well as in every Financial Transaction

Remote Control
Sending commands to remote devices connected by Intenet with the protection of IST Model tools ensures a complete and reliable control in huge areas, i.e. a space probe during it mission, a security remote system. etc. etc.

Domotic Applications
Because of its flexibility and fast response, IST Model can be integrated in Domodic solutions

Access to restricted resources
A system to grant/Deny access to restricted resources can give intrinsic security by using IST Model technology

RFID Systems
Because of its fast and thin requirements in terms of computational effort IST Model can be integrated in RFID solution in order to give highest level of security

Electronic IDentity
IST Model guarantees your identity in every electronic system

Secure Web navigation
A web site that implements IST Model for accessing its pages can guarantee the source of the web pages themselves

Secure email systems
An electronic mail system using IST Technology can offer intrinsic security for email senders and for email receivers

Car immobilizer
IST Model installed into car immobilizer sytems improves the security of your car

Login to Computer System
IST Model guarantees the identity of users accessing computer systems, locally and remotely

Communication between electronic devices
Electronic devices that communicate each others can be secured by the powerful IST Model identification engine

Data Transmission Authentication
By using IST Model Technology the source of broadcast transmission can be certified and authenticated

Pocket PC and SmartPhones (Mobile devices)
By using IST Model Technology in applications based on Pocket PC, SmartPhones and every mobile device you can achieve strong security in electronic transactions

On Line Games and Bets
Games on line ad bets sites can have security strongly improved by adopting IST Model technology in their transactions.

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